• Tipping Etiquette

    Posted on April 29, 2013 by in MJST Prep School

    MJST Prep School

    It’s believed that tipping began in 17th Century English Pubs when drinkers would slip money to waiters “to insure prompt service”, giving rise to the term tips or tipping. The practice began in the US after the civil war and after many years of opposition is now considered the norm in the service industry. So much so, many (but not all) service employees are paid well below minimum wage due to the expectation of receiving tips, making them a vital aspect to their income. However, tipping is not expected, and in some cases considered disrespectful, in other countries. Simply put, tipping varies by country, region and situation. When traveling outside of the US, make it a point to research tipping etiquette for that specific region. Here’s an article to get you started http://www.travelsense.org/tips/tippingetiquette.cfm

    And that’s your MJST Prep School Lesson for the Week

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