• Choosing the Right Vacation Supplier

    Posted on April 13, 2014 by in MJST Prep School

    MJST Prep School

    As long as a supplier offers options where you want to go, its okay, right? Wrong! Choosing the right supplier is paramount to getting the vacation you desire. All vacation suppliers specialize in certain areas based on destination (i.e., Caribbean vs. Western Europe) and type (land vs. cruise), allowing them to focus the majority of their resources in just a couple of areas. Suppliers may still offer a few options outside of their specialty areas however those options are not as extensive and may not be the best choice for what you are looking for. Before booking your next trip, research what suppliers specialize in what areas. Or better yet, use a travel professional who already has knows.

    And that’s your MJST Prep School Lesson for the Week

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